Tuesday, August 14, 2007

love the person...hate the sin.

Wanted to post this up since yesterday...a friend pointed me to a report in the Star news paper about this gay pastor...Now now, before u go on reading, don't assume that i hate gays or lesbians of any of that.

rather what i wanna point out is my thoughts..after reading 2 blog-post from 2 friends (click)(click). I bet most of you have read the other report about this criminal act by another 'pastor'...well nothing much to say about that, just that may the Lord have mercy upon him...

ok lets go, after i read the report i was rather upset at the account that was given, it was saddening to see that people think that all these are created by God, but the very fact is this...In th beginning God created Adam and Eve....see its -ADAM- and -EVE-..not Adam and John, or Eve and Jesse...God knew what he was doing. In the bible, during the days of Noah..God send a huge flood to 'clean' the world solely because they do not wanna obey God, and they turn to what we today call homosexuality...

Now before u 'condemn' me further, i'm not saying that i hate the person, but i hate the lifestyle and the acts they do...God loves us, but he hates our sins...having said that, yes Jesus came to heal the sick and bring sight to the blind, a new hope to the poor, and redemption for us all. Jesus did not condemn them(sinners) so neither should we...

Referring to daryl's blog...In the book of 2Timothy, Paul foretold that these days would come where preachers will preach what the people wanna hear, and not what God wants...the sound doctrine then becomes corrupted doctrines. Yet, there is still hope for them..for Jesus died for all...all of us..regardless of our social and religious status...I guess, the only best way for us as a church now is to pray for them, pray and not and not and not judge.

For God desires not that one soul perishes, but all would come to know Him...there is always room in His kingdom. But the choice is theirs to choose...


tan-ce said...

yup. I agree. and believe or not, I actually felt strongly enough to write a second post...

Anonymous said...

I think this topic is rather huge to draw a line that everyone can agree on. And yes, I agree with James here.