Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Drame français- French drama

In conjunction with international French week, me and some of my classmates are asked to come up with a role play, there was 2 groups from my class, first group consist of 8 of us from the hospitality batch-cuisine major, and the other is the tourism batch with 4 of them.

This is the group picture of both the teams...I guess through this event, it has helped me recognize French language more, and come to somewhat appreciate it. As much as it is blardy interesting to learn French, it is rather "confronds" (means it is rather confusing).

Thanks to Monsieur Yeoh, ma lecturer..who is by the way the best French lecturer I've come across thus far.-C'est magnifique- I was (still am) so proud of this drama team! Even in less than 5 days we managed to perform well. Same goes to The tourism peeps.....

It was all laughs when me and the team went up and did our role play,(with me acting like a dorky taxi driver)...hahaha, but it was all good. We won the first place, and the tourism peeps won the second..AWESOME BLOSSOM!!! Try imagining - Me, sitting on a chair, and making this noise * pekpekpekpekpekpekpekpekpekpekpek*- driving a taxi

DH22 cuisine major-though we are known for our rebelliousness , and rascal-ness, we still rock eh!! all the best in your Finals!!!


Shu Ern said...

Thats not a taxi sound la u donkey..aih..*sticks out tongue*

J-mes said...

:P.....hahaha just for laughs